Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My 7 Links

Eeps! Over a week ago, Ashley from A Hope, Skip & Jump Over the Pond tagged me in a little web trend that is probably over (this is so me, I jump on the train as it's pretty much come to a halt). Started by Tripbase, the whole point is to review the body of posts on your blog and republish 7 links buried in the archives of your blog so that new readers can find them (and you, blogger, can celebrate them). Then you get to tag some of your other travel bloggers and get them to do it too.

So without further ado or delaying on my part, here are my 7 links to posts I think were pretty darn great. I've sought out the original topics, out of curiosity for how this whole meme started.

1. The post where I almost died: Swimming in the Irish Sea

Physically or metaphorically? I chose physically but I'm sure I had a few mental breakdown posts along the way. Anyway, swimming in the Irish Sea on Christmas Day last year was one of the more ridiculous, and death defying, things I've ever done. SHEESH. I shiver just thinking about it.

2. The post where I accidentally ran a marathon: TBD.

Oh wait. I am running a marathon. So this round up is missing a post that I will write on November 1st, after I run my first 26.2 mile race. Until then, you can reminisce about my half marathon last year.

3. The “live in the moment” post: This is Hard

This is an oldie but goodie, my third ever post, written as I packed up my bedroom in Brooklyn and tried to get myself through the overwhelming doubt and sadness that hit me. I think it's one of my best ever posts, frankly.

4. The post I really enjoyed writing: My 30th Birthday

I didn't think I would enjoy it, but I did. I loved turning 30. It was a great weekend, full of great people and great times and great food and therefore it was perfect. It wasn't what I thought it would be when I turned 25 (or even when I turned 29) but in the end, the day was exactly what I wanted and I loved sharing it with you all.

5. The fabulous food post: The Fat Duck.

I had so many choices here - besides The Fat Duck, there was Chateaubriand, The Sportsman, pinxtos in San Sebastian, Mercado San Miguel in Madrid, all of the glorious meals in Italy and all of our other travels. But at the end of the day, The Fat Duck wins because it was a special event, our second anniversary and such a treat. I highly recommend that anyone who is a foodie go there IMMEDIATELY.

6. The post where I found my voice: Bridges in Japan

A year and a bit into my life in the UK, a young colleague of mine quit her job to move to Japan and teach English for a year (that's us earlier this year with our friend Sarah's baby). I wrote her a little ode about what to expect from her life abroad. Upon re-reading it, I think it's all still true and relevant to a person living abroad for 3+ years.

To be honest though? I still haven't found my voice. I think this may be an on-going project.

7. The “vacation I wish I was still on” post(s): Cro-Italy (Dubrovnik, Korcula, Hvar, Bologna, Florence, Lucca)

Hands down, best vacation: 2 weeks of sun and eating. In fact, I'd just do Croatia again, but definitely on a boat. Our vacation was planned around the ferry schedules, so we took boats everywhere but next time I'd love to rent a boat and lazily sail from island to cove to town. The Irishman chided me for our travel plans this year; when I moved jobs, I didn't negotiate very well (kicking myself still) and wound up with only 16.5 days of holiday. So we are only doing long weekends this year, which really blows. It just means that next year we can look forward to a 2 or 3 weeks of relaxation.

Tradition has it that I'm supposed to tag 7 more people, but because I'm joining this party so late I'm not going to... everyone I would have tagged has already done this post! If you want to be tagged, or think I should tag someone, let me know.

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